Conquer the Hard Days

We all have them.

Days that just plain suck.

Days that.. you wish you wouldn’t have even gotten out of bed. Days that you get your ass kicked, and then kicked again.

No matter how tough you are, no matter how strong you are, no matter how determined you are, I guarantee you will have these days.

When everything seems to go wrong. Whether it be your car breaking down on the way to work, your big deal falling through at work, your girlfriend/boyfriend leaving you, losing your job, etc you will have these days.

These are test days.

Guess what-they happen to us all, and they push our limits and boundaries to the max.

The most successful people. The richest people. Celebrities. Athletes. CEOs. And everyone in between- all have these days too, sometimes they last weeks or even months.

Instead of asking “why me” or thinking “man, I just want this day to be over”, these people choose to look at these days as test days that must be conquered…and dominated.

If you can conquer the test days, execute on these toughest days, then nothing can stop you.

The only difference between the successful and unstoppable individuals, and the rest of society, is that they make the test days their bitch and relish the challenges that come with them.

Because they know that If they can conquer these test days, and execute on these roughest days, then nothing can stop them.

Train yourself to operate this way.

Train your brain to conquer these days.

When you do this, nothing and nobody can beat you.



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