The Development of The Money Athlete®

Developing a skillset similar to an elite athlete takes time, training, dedication, and hard work.

Becoming knowledgeable on your finances can set you on a path to achieve financial freedom.

That’s why The Money Athlete® lifestyle brand was created – because courses on handling one’s own finances are largely missing from our current educational system. A study by the FINRA Foundation estimated that nearly two-thirds of Americans couldn’t pass a basic financial literacy test. In fact, only five states require a personal finance class to graduate high school.

Teaching young people the fundamentals of everyday only management is vitally important, especially those from underrepresented groups.

Learning the basic fundamentals of financial literacy can help empower individuals to be mindful about financial decisions and their impact. The more individuals learn, the more empowered they can become about their own future.

The Money Athlete® lifestyle brand focuses on inspiring others to build their level of knowledge – building themselves like athletes to achieve financial goals.

Become the CHAMPION of your own future – become a Money Athlete®!



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