What do your favorite sports players, top-tier CEOs, and those friends who seems to conquer every challenge have in common?
They never entertain mediocrity.
So, you’re probably thinking, “Sounds cool, but how do I jump on this elite train?”
Let’s break down the mentality you need…the mentality you need to win.
Life is a non-stop series of choices. The sneaky part? Mediocrity dresses up as comfort.
It’s that warm blanket on a cold morning, tempting you to hit snooze instead of seizing the day.
It’s coming home late, and swinging through McDonald’s because you are “too tired” to cook yourself a healthy meal for dinner.
It’s binge watching Netflix on a Saturday afternoon when you should be heading to the gym or spending time with your kids/family.
It’s settling and staying in bad relationships where you are not happy, but are afraid of being alone or that you won’t find someone “better”.
But here’s the catch: comfort zones, while cozy, are where dreams wither away. Choose comfort consistently, and you choose mediocrity.
Committing to excellence is like opting for cold showers. It’s jarring, challenging, and not everyone’s cup of tea. But just like cold showers give you an adrenaline rush and sharpen your senses, setting the highest standards in every sphere of life – be it work, relationships, or personal passions – pushes you into a life of unmatched growth.
It’s not just about the destination, either. That journey? It’s littered with naysayers, roadblocks, and your own nagging doubts. There will be moments where settling feels like the best option, believe me, we all fall into the trap now and again. “Maybe this is good enough,” or “eh I will get to it tomorrow” you might think. But “good enough” is the siren song of mediocrity.
Ask yourself: do you want a “good enough” life or an exceptional one? The magic lies just beyond that discomfort. The friendships that demand deep vulnerability. The projects that push your skill limits. The mornings you drag yourself to the gym when every fiber screams to stay in bed.
Now, I won’t sugarcoat it: this road isn’t for everyone. It demands resilience. It can be isolating. People are going to look at you like you are crazy half the time. They will judge you and even laugh at you.
Why? Because secretly, deep down, many individuals don’t want to see others succeed. If others succeed, that means that they themselves are failing. So instead of focusing on making themselves better, their subconscious would rather see everyone living mediocre lives, like they are.
If people around them start bettering themselves and winning, that means that they have to then keep up, and most people don’t want to be challenged…and then they wonder why their overall life is mediocre.
But the reward for beating mediocrity and challenging yourself to become the best version of you? A life you’ve sculpted, every detail refined, every moment in alignment with your goals, and abundance happiness and success.
Remember, the universe has a knack for testing how badly you want something. The mediocrity mindset is one of the biggest obstacles you will face in life. So, when faced with the choice between mediocrity and excellence, remind yourself of why you started. Picture your goals, see the vision of what you want in your life, then plant your feet, meet mediocrity’s gaze, and choose to rise above.
In the end, when you look back, it won’t just be about the victories but the person you became in pursuit of them. And trust me, that’s worth every ounce of effort.