Just this morning at the gym I overheard 2 guys next to me talking about their upcoming “long weekend.”
Couldn’t help but overhear their conversation.
They were talking about how they were going out this weekend.
Friday they were going out to a local spot to meet some girls.
Saturday they were recovering and gonna “chill”.
Sunday, Memorial Day party in someone’s back yard.
Monday, relax and “get ready for the week”.
Typical upcoming weekend for so many people^^
Sounds like one of them was starting his own landscaping business, and he talked about working on finding some new clients next week to cut their grass. Said he was gonna “kill it”.
I thought about this conversation as I went on with my workout – conclusion? These guys are fakers.
They talked a big game.
They love the dreams.
Yet, they aren’t willing to put in the work over this 3 day weekend to get ahead.
This is the mentality so many people have with their lives.
This is why people think you have to be “lucky” to be successful.
This is why so many people fail.
They see success as magical.
It’s not.
It’s very basic.
Ready for the secret to success?
Work when others are not. And “live your life like nobody else today, so you can live your life like nobody else in the future.”
Most people just cannot grasp that their regular 9-5 M-F job is not going to make their dreams come true.
What will make your dreams come true? The other 128 free hours in your week.
Successful people understand this fact, and you won’t see them out partying ALL weekend long this weekend.
Sure, they may go out one night, or take one afternoon off to spend with friends/family, but blow all 3 days? Not a chance.
Use your 3 day weekend to get ahead. You will be further along your success journey next Tuesday, while everyone else is hungover.
Get to the gym on Sunday.
Work on your side hustle on Monday.
Reach out to prospective clients on Saturday (yeah, I am talking to you landscaping dude at the gym).
Before you bitch and moan about how unfair life is to you…consider what the truth might be.
The truth may be that you just aren’t putting in the work.
And if you don’t put in the work, I guarantee you there are others who will, and these people will pass you by.
What you do this Memorial Day weekend is a strong indicator of where you will end up in 5 years.
Your decisions shape your future.
Remember that.“Live like no one else now, so you can live like no one else later” – Dave Ramsey